#130: When the right moment comes..

Sometimes you've got to step back, let go, postpone, put things on hold, for a while, just a little while, or as much while as it takes, and then you come back, get into it once more, try again, try harder and try differently, maybe this time it'll work, maybe you see it from a different angle and find it easier, maybe it'll get solved all by itself, maybe you'll get stronger and fight it harder. Just maybe. And sometimes it works.

I'm letting you go, just to let you come back stronger and better than ever before. I'm letting you go, because I believe that if we truly deserve each other, we'll win one another easily, with no hardships, but with the blessings of Allah.

So I'm waiting for the right moment, the right moment which when it comes, everything will just be different, everything will .... just be different!


Salma Hossam said…
although i can see :), it's exactly what i needed to read :) as always .. u speak my mind :')(L)
Unknown said…
the right moment which when it comes, everything will just be different, everything will .... just be different!

Really love it :)
May Medhat said…

really thank you so much for your beautiful words... =)
I would never be able to express how much I feel them...they are coming from the inside of me...the very deep inside...
and like Salma Hosam said...these are exactly the words I wanted to read...

thank you so much =)

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