
Showing posts from June, 2014

#204: قلق

في محاولة بائسة للنوم يتقلب كلاهما على جانبيهما مرات عديدة متفرقة دون أن يتلاقا ولو لثواني. وعلى الرغم أن كلاهما يدرك مشاعر الآخر جيدا، لم يحاول أحدا إشراك الآخر في إيجاد حل لهذه الحالة التي وقعوا تحت تأثيرها، حالة القلق وعدم الاستقرار. كلا منهما كان يبحث عن طريقة للهروب بعيدا، ومع ذلك أبا أن يحاولا المشاركة في إيجاد الطريق. حتى أتت اللحظة الحاسمة؛ لحظة الوصول إلى قرار. لم يتمكنا أيضا أن يجتمعوا على قرار واحد، فإحداهما قرر الاستسلام والآخر قرر أن يثور. وهكذا كانت تمر لياليهم، بين اتفاق على الاتجاه واختلاف على الطريق.

#203: Numbness

I remember my first pain. I remember falling to the ground, crying. I remember how my heart ached. I remember that feeling quite well. However, I don't believe I'll ever have that same feeling again. Though I know that I'll fall again, but each fall will hold its own unique pain. Every time my heart will ache differently. Even numbness is a feeling; a feeling of pain.

#202: Beyond Words

That is the only time when writing makes sense. Writing well means writing to make the reading easier, more enjoyable, and more relieving. That, we know! But when writing takes the readers' troubles away; when writing goes beyond the meanings behind the words written, and have a whole new higher value, like to relief pain, create hope, inspire, or transform. That's the writing I want to write. That's the writing I dream of. That's the writing I hope I'm offering to the world.

#201: Happiness is Priceless

Some days you just wish they could never end. Some moments you wish you could hold on forever. Today was one of those extremely happy days. And I have decided that I will enjoy my moments as long as I can, because this happiness is priceless. No one can make me laugh the way you do. The same way no one can make me cry like you do. The moon has two faces; and I decided to look at the bright side and enjoy it as long as it shines. Loving you! :)