I don't feel like posting today. Though it's such an easy thing to do. I have what to say and I don't care who will be reading. Yes, I want it to be spread as much as possible, but I always believe that as I keep on posting as much as it'll be spread and known. But today, I don't feel like posting. And it's because I feel uninterested, I want to disappear and stay hidden, shinning away maybe. It's because of you? You weren't here, so I didn't have the reason to stay. And because I'm too shy to share! Besides, which will I share? I've got a lot and they are all good! But I have nothing specific to say!
#239 - عن حُبي لَكَ
لا أَجِد كلمات توافي حق التعبير عما أُكِنَهُ لك من حب؛ حب خالص من التَوْقُعَات والأفعال المُتَعمدَة، حب بَريء من الأسباب والأفكار، حب لا يُفسَّر ولا يحتاج إلى دفاع . هو حب تَعْلَمَهُ أنتَ جيدًا، دون الحاجة إلى تأكيد وجوده. هو حب لا تنتظره أنت، ولن تُريد أن تَستنفِع منه، لأنك تثق في أحقيتك له، وفي ذَاتَ الوقت تَعْلَمُ أنك في غِنى عنه . هو حب لن أترددُ أبدًا عن البوح به، ولكني لن أُضطِرَ لذلك، فعينايَ صارت تَبوحُ دون استأذاني . هو حب لن ...