#315: I am a Writer

Yesterday, I watched the movie “Julie and Julia” and it all hit me back. I always fancied—and still do—blogging and writing projects and challenges that include committing to writing every day for a year or a month or a 100 days or whatever. I even started off my blog (Daydreams) as a project to write everyday a short scene from my day or my life. I started the blog in May 2011; that’s almost 9 years ago! Have I completed my project? Well, I might have written over 300 blog posts over the past nine years, but I haven’t completed the goal of that project, which is committing to write Every Day! Have I failed?! Nah, that’s not what I’m thinking, for I believe the fact that I haven’t skipped a year where I haven’t shared something on my blog is a success in itself. I have managed to keep this alive and active throughout the years, and 9 years is a lot. Yet, I still have that yearning to complete a writing project. How about publishing a book?! I hope I would one day. And I have been taking actions, I really have.

I have walked many miles in the journey of my passion for writing, and even though I haven’t completed a project that I started 9 years ago, I have learned a lot about myself and about writing throughout the process. Because, for me writing isn’t something that I just do, it is the way I express who I really am and what kind of a person I am. I can’t do that unless I’m writing. I’m starting to think that I become the truest version of myself when I write. 

I recently came through this question as a security question for my banking online account, it said “What is the birthdate of your best friend?” And I thought that I cannot use that question because I couldn’t think of a friend that lasted for many years as being my “best friend”, so I changed the question. But thinking of writing right now, writing has been my friend for too long now and we are solid. 

I’m a writer at heart. And even though I struggle a lot to call myself a writer, but I am a writer and that’s how I’d like to see myself. I remember in the movie Julie said “You are not a writer unless you publish something!” or something like that. Well no, I don’t agree! I also always thought I needed to be a unique writer, a writer who just isn’t like any other writer, or that I write about a certain specific thing, or in a certain specific way, and I couldn’t figure what that was, so I’m not unique. Well guess what, I am a unique writer, I can’t just write anything, and I do have my own unique writing style, even if others have similar ones. I put my soul into what I write, and every writer does that too, and that’s why no two writers are alike, because no two souls are alike. We all are unique, and each one of us is a one of their kind. It’s true, you can’t deny it! That’s why writing is magical; it takes courage and bravery to simply pour your heart out to the void, not knowing who is reading or what they are thinking as they read your words.

It wasn’t my first time to watch it, but that movie has touched me so deeply like no other movie could do in a very long time. It inspired me! Or, maybe I was just ready to get inspired! What am I going to do with that inspiration? I have no idea, and I’d like to keep it that way, I’d like to trust my passion.

Stay safe, my friends, physically, mentally, and emotionally until we pass this world crisis. Walk your way out through writing. It’s always there for you.


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