#306: Bedtime Stories
As a kid, I used to create stories in my mind before I sleep. They used to relax me. I would spend several minutes just designing my dress, the dress I am wearing in the story.. And spend others designing the place where the story goes, whether it is in a restaurant, or a home, or by the beach... I would imagine how it feels, how many rooms are there, what kind of furniture, and what colors.. And sometimes, if my story is really good, I’d complete it the next night. I just lie on my bed, and start imagining and directing the story, all in my head, until I fall asleep. I loved doing this badly, that it made me love bed time, just to fall into my imaginary world. It kept my mind entertained, busy, and excited. I have tried writing these stories down, but I failed to tell them exactly as I imagined them.
Now, I rarely do this, and when I force myself to create a story to help me sleep, I only imagine the outlines of a story.. I no longer delve into the details as I was used to. It’s like my stories have lost their glamour, or that I have simply got bored; bored of imaginary happy-endings types of stories, I guess.