#151: Will I forgive myself?

I'm sorry I deny my love.
I'm sorry I'm afraid to admit that you're the one my heart secretly desires.
I'm sorry if I talk behind your back.
I'm sorry I'm listening to the people who tell me that it won't work.
I'm sorry that you've hurt me once and my heart can't easily trust you.
I'm sorry I'm confused and worried.
I'm sorry if I'm unintentionally ruining our future, if we have a one.
I'm sorry I'm looking for options.
I'm sorry I won't support you or stand by you, just not yet.
I'm sorry I'm not trying to control our lives.
I'm sorry you'll have to prove yourself all over again. Not just for me this time though.
I'm sorry I don't know what to do, what's wrong and what's right.

I'm sorry, okay I'm sorry.
Will you forgive me?!
Will I forgive myself?


May Medhat said…
you shouldn't be sorry...

you have to forgive yourself...how can't you?

and why?

what did you do?..did you treat them unfairly??...

they did it to themselves I think...and I think it's not your fault...
Salma said…
Thank you ya May. You're so right! And you've really made me feel better.. Thank you :):)
Salma said…
Thank you ya May. You're so right! And you've really made me feel better.. Thank you :):)

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