#31: A Confession
I'm late as usual. I never admitted that before, when everyone around was saying nothing but that only one sentence. And I was just saying the opposite, like I never wanted to admit being like them or maybe I needed to be different. But it was just how I felt. Never mind, Thank God I got there finally. Maybe I needed to see the horizon first to finally have the guts to say it. And I hope I truly do see what's in the horizon. I needed to take a decision first, it took me long I know, but that's how it works for me. Too much for an intro. Here it comes: "I can't wait to graduate. I'm really excited about graduation. Because I sincerely don't wish to stay another day doing the same thing I've been doing for five years and I need to do something different. I need a fresh new start." -- That's it! Off my chest! =D
June, 11
Finally back to my mature state, what the hell I've been thinking of :D!! Damn you dear college :D