#315: I am a Writer
Yesterday, I watched the movie “Julie and Julia” and it all hit me back. I always fancied—and still do—blogging and writing projects and challenges that include committing to writing every day for a year or a month or a 100 days or whatever. I even started off my blog (Daydreams) as a project to write everyday a short scene from my day or my life. I started the blog in May 2011; that’s almost 9 years ago! Have I completed my project? Well, I might have written over 300 blog posts over the past nine years, but I haven’t completed the goal of that project, which is committing to write Every Day! Have I failed?! Nah, that’s not what I’m thinking, for I believe the fact that I haven’t skipped a year where I haven’t shared something on my blog is a success in itself. I have managed to keep this alive and active throughout the years, and 9 years is a lot. Yet, I still have that yearning to complete a writing project. How about publishing a book?! I hope I would one day. And I have bee...