
Showing posts from October, 2012

Dedicated to a special person to my heart...

You've no idea how happy I'm feeling inside, how my heart is jumping out of happiness just for you. I'm thrilled with the fact that you're going to perform Hij this year. And the best part is that I'll get to tease you and call you "ya 7agg" whenever I like, and you can't stop me! ;) Yes, it's so important that I had to write it somewhere, and here is our place. May it be blessed and accepted. And may it be a turning point that changes your whole life for the best ever after. Please don't forget our prayers. And please don't forget patience. Have a safe journey and a spiritually enjoyable Hij. 143.

The Paralysis

"The paralysis has seeped deep into me, settled into my spine, kind of. Most days I feel like an energy vampire is constantly leeching my energy away. I'm always mentally and physically exhausted. I've lost my passion for working, and that is extra bad because I'm a person who cannot work if I'm not passionate about it. I can't work just to work. Something inside me has broken, shifted, changed, doesn't fit any more. Like having a broken bone that just didn't heal properly. And until it does, I'm kind of stuck. Like, when you need to go to the bathroom, then you need to go to the bathroom. You can't do anything until you go to the bathroom. Well, until I figure out how to get myself out of this mental place I'm in, I can't move on with my life." -- From a very thoughtful post: .. By Ethar El-Katatney